The initial strength of Al2O3 sample is higher ($t=0), and the intensity rapidly decreases once it approaches the critical temperature difference. Although the initial strength of the sample after the addition of zirconia decreased, the critical temperature difference increased with the addition amount, and the decrease of the thermal shock intensity also decreased significantly. The shape of the heat shock curve of Ze sample and Al2O3 sample is similar, but the strength of the sample decreases significantly after more than 200e. The strength of Zw sample decreases with the increase of zirconia content, but the thermal shock temperature difference and intensity decrease amplitude have been significantly improved. For example, Zw15 sample strength is almost unchanged in the range of 0-900e, indicating that the material has very superior thermal stability. Sex. The above experimental results and phenomena can be explained as follows: The zirconium oxide precipitated particle agglomeration degree can be controlled by different cleaning media. After cleaning in the water medium, the precipitate particles form an oxygen linkage structure during the drying process, resulting in hard agglomeration. On the other hand, the hydroxyl groups on the surface of the granules of the hydrated zirconia hydrogel form hydrogen bonds with the hydroxyl groups on the surface of the hydrated zirconia gel after washing with the alcohol medium. This reduces the surface energy of the precipitate and forms steric hindrance. The addition of stabilizer-free zirconia is followed by sintering in the cooling stage. The phase transformation stress and the residual stress between the two phases of zirconium and aluminum work together, resulting in the presence of a large number of micro-cracks, which is beneficial to the improvement of the toughness, but the micro-cracks are connected and perforated to lead to a decrease in strength. Agglomerated zirconia can effectively increase the length of cracks and cracks, increase the critical temperature difference, and greatly reduce the attenuation of residual strength. In order to further quantitatively describe the thermal shock behavior of aluminum-zirconium materials, a multi-phase material thermal shock is established by a functional construction method. Universal equations, and surface fitting and isoline distribution. The strength curves of Ze-based materials show that the curves are densely distributed in the range of 100-300e, indicating that the strength of the material decays quickly. The thermal shock behavior of Zw-based materials is somewhat different. It appears as a ring-shaped high-stepped surface, reflecting that the temperature difference rapidly increases with increasing zirconia content. Once the zirconia content exceeds 10%, the temperature is within 0-900e for the strength. Has little effect. According to the relationship between the crack propagation length and temperature difference of ceramic materials, the critical temperature difference is theoretically calculated by measuring the crack length, but it is difficult to carry out in experiments. The $tC can be measured by data fitting and thermal shock surfaces. The crack length was calculated by the thermal shock damage factor Rd. The results showed that the Rd values ​​of the two groups of materials increased as the content of zirconia increased, while the $tC also increased almost in proportion to Rd, and the water washing had a greater influence on the Rd value. It shows that the thermal shock damage mechanism of materials dominates. The water medium cleaning process is beneficial to the improvement of the thermal shock performance of the zirconium-aluminum refractories. When the content of zirconia is up to 15%, the thermal shock strength of the material in the 0900e range remains basically unchanged. At the same time, the method of introducing agglomerated zirconia instead of the micropores in traditional alumina can effectively improve the thermal shock resistance of corundum materials. Through the research and development of refractory fitting surfaces, the thermal shock behavior of the material can be quantitatively characterized and the critical temperature difference can be accurately measured. At the same time, the critical temperature difference is directly related to Rd, indicating that the thermal shock damage mechanism of materials dominates.
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