Color: Kempas heartwood is very light in color, usually white to light yellow. Kempas sapwood is more orange to red or reddish brown. Over time and with exposure to UV light, the floor will darken to a more reddish color.
Grain: The grain is interlocked and/or spiraled, and is generally rough.
Variations within Species and Grades: There is little variation within the species and grades.
Hardness/Janka: Kempas has a Janka Scale rating of 1,710, making it harder than most species used for hardwood flooring.
Dimensional Stability: This particular species of wood is not considered dimensionally stable, and is less stable than the traditional Northern Red Oak.
Sawing/Machining: Sawing and machining kempas is somewhat difficult because of hard deposits. It can dull and damage tools so it is important to be careful when working with kempas.
Sanding: Kempas is known to sand well.
Nailing: It may be difficult to nail because of how easily the wood may split.
Finishing: The coarse texture and acidic nature of the wood make finishing more difficult than some other species. It will need good filling to finish and polish well.
Availability: Limited availability.
KelaiWood ,
Cavitation of centrifugal pumps
Centrifugal pump cavitation phenomenon: a centrifugal pump temperature of 180 degrees, the pump pressure rose to normal after the pump outlet pump normal, rapid decline in pumping pressure about 10 minutes, accompanied by noise, vibration, cavitation occurs, Check the sewage station valve closed. 2 material pump, about 90 degrees of material easy to gasify the organic matter Pump open after the pump pressure rose to normal, due to feed small pump outlet, the pump outlet opening small, normal pump pressure, pump pressure decreased about 30 minutes, accompanied by noise vibration, Cavitation occurs. After the occurrence of these phenomena, you will find two situations occur: 1, one is the opening of the valve are not large 2, the other is the pump inlet and outlet material temperature was significantly higher than the original found in these two cases of cavitation occurs because Exit valve opening is not enough or not caused. When the outlet valve is not open or the opening is small, the energy obtained from the pump is not being sent in time, that is, the kinetic energy obtained from the material is converted into heat energy, which causes the material temperature to rise. When a certain temperature is reached, cavitation occurs in the pump body .