According to a May 30 issue of the journal Science, many bees, ants and wasps live together in a highly cooperative community. The purpose is mainly that this way of life provides a good way of inheriting family genes. Not doing so can make their lives more convenient. The altruism that exists in this “true community†community has long been an evolutionary mystery. In this community, many sterile worker bees will care for the young bees born from the few reproductive bees in the group. William OH Hughes and colleagues in the United Kingdom and Australia compared the mating behavior of 267 true community bees, wasps, and ants. Researchers report that in older breeds, female individuals are always single-spouse. In the case of a small number of females mating with multiple males, these lines were only recently evolved. This finding supports the idea that monogamy is the key to true community evolution. Therefore, as predicted by the “kinship choice theory,†this type of cooperation may have evolved as a way for related individuals to help ensure that certain genes they share are inherited into future generations. Gfrg Dropped Ceilings,Building Gfrg Engineering,Hall Wall Project,Hall Ceiling Project Wonsail New Materials Technology Co., Ltd ,