The herbicide should be diluted first in the process of use, then it needs to be watered appropriately. How much water is added to the herbicide is important. If the water is directly affected, the effect is small, and it is particularly prone to phytotoxicity. Therefore, it is the key to control the amount of herbicide water, how much is the herbicide to be treated with water? Learn with Xiaobian: Kitchen Cabinet,Kitchen Hutch Cabinet,Modern Cabinets,Rustic Kitchen Cabinets Ningbo Oulin Import&Export Co.,Ltd. ,
The reasonable amount of water to be treated with pesticides is related to many factors, such as the formulation of herbicides, physical and chemical properties, environment, weeds, and the use of preventive methods and the use of equipment. Here is a brief introduction to the watering methods of several herbicides and how to water them in different environments.
The herbicide cycloazinone commonly used in gardens is also called Wilber and Lincao in the market. The efficacy of the herbicide is relatively slow. At this time, if the weed control is carried out on the seedlings, the average dosage is 0.25-0.5 ml per tree, and the spray is diluted 4-6 times with water.
The herbicide herbicide glyphosate should be well controlled when used. Generally speaking, 10 grams of water is about 3-5 kilograms. If it is 200 grams, it needs about 10-15 kilograms of water. The amount of a barrel of the sprayer bucket.
Kemifeng original drug, this herbicide is not easy to dissolve in water, if the concentration is less than 2%, then there will be crystallization, so do not put too much water.
2,4-D butyl ester, this herbicide is more volatile, the water consumption can not be too low, and the water consumption is best for paraquat, because its toxicity is relatively large, it is easy to threaten the safety of humans and animals. .
The above is basically based on the nature of the herbicide to determine the amount of water. The amount of water exchanged in different environments is also different. For example, when the weather or the soil is dry, the amount of water to be exchanged needs to be appropriately increased. If there are more weeds in the field, the appropriate increase, and vice versa, the ultimate goal is that the liquid can completely cover the weeds.
At the same time, different spraying instruments use different amounts of herbicides, such as high-efficiency grass cover. If a knapsack sprayer is used, the water exchange per acre is 20-30 liters. If a sprayer is used, per acre The water exchange rate is 7-14 liters.
From the above data, we can understand that the amount of herbicide water to be weighed depends on a variety of factors, and ultimately should be used in accordance with reasonable methods of use. The pesticide information network reminds everyone that it is not possible to increase or decrease the concentration of the drug by feeling, to avoid bringing loss.