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Selection of fast-acting pesticides such as insecticides dichlorvos, Sumicidin, Kuaishaling, Decis ,, pirimicarb, metolcarb, mixed aldicarb, methomyl, wide Parkway, new aldicarb, boll treasure and other pesticides belong to this type. This type of pesticide has a strong contact or killing effect, and the mold killing effect is rapid, and the pest can be killed after 1 to 2 hours of application. There is also about 50% of the amount of green milk copper and tricyclazole sprayed into the plant tissue after spraying, and the rain after 1 hour of spraying has no effect on the efficacy.
The use of rain-tolerant pesticides such as bactericides, Jinggangmycin, Herbicide, and Suikeling have good rain resistance. After 1 to 2 hours of application, even after encountering showers, the effect is not affected.
Adding adhesive to the drug solution Adding the adhesive to the drug solution can increase the adhesion of the pesticide on the surface of the crop and the pest body. After the application, the medium and light rain are not easily washed away, and the pesticide liquid is prepared, and the drug solution is added every 50 kilograms. The agent is 50-75 grams of washing powder, and it is applied in time after being evenly stirred.
How to improve the application of the effect of pesticides rainy season
The choice of the absorption of the pesticide dimethoate, omethoate and insecticides pirimicarb, quinalphos, diflubenzuron, cyhalothrin, green milk copper, amobam, iprobenfos, carbendazim, triadimefon, thiophanate, metalaxyl, procymidone fungicides, 4 to 5 hours after administration of these pesticides, there will be more than 80% of the active ingredient is absorbed into the plant tissues inside. Ling leaf blight applied to crops 2 hours, i.e. capable of generating internal suction conduction, even after spraying rain, rain water does not lose efficacy.
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